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tv   [untitled]    November 25, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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the latest news and the week's top stories at gaza claims victory despite dozens of civilians dead as israel stops short of an invasion after an eight day bombing campaign. cairo sees a third day of clashes with tear gas fired at crowds protests continue over a decree granting president morsi presidential powers. and probably independent parties are claiming victory in the capital and many elections with ninety eight percent of the early votes counted paving the way for a referendum that could see spain's richest region go its own way. and e.u. budget talks end in failure as divisions between member states emerge out of the
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summit you know brussels over whether to spend or save another meeting has been scheduled for next year. and recapping the week's top stories this is r t with our weekly going to have you with us gaza is recovering from israel's anti hamas a campaign that ended this week with an egyptian brokered ceasefire one hundred sixty eight palestinians were killed in airstrikes around half of them civilians while militant rocket fire claimed the lives of six israelis despite those numbers from last believes it came out the winner and some israelis now say the government has failed them as they are reports. and listen and rachel packing for the u.s. a cease fire might have been announced but they're not waiting around to see if it works the women were part of an internship program to see what it's like to live in
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israel so they came they saw and now they choosing to leave and you spend very anxious living on as mike knowing that at any moment the science right off the. after going to a bomb shelter and like it's being scared by public transportation and staff. the streets of tel aviv are a far cry from the streets of gaza when news of the truce was met with celebrations and fireworks the somewhat muted israeli reaction belies a growing disappointment in the way many here feel the government handled things but i do think that israel finished the operation just so anything to finish it very soon i think we had good momentum for this operation we have a very good start and i think that if we would have continued it could have achieved a. better result from it's i do think that we could have put some more pressure oh and the organization of hamas. would probably.
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keep us from further rocket attacks in the future i hope. the government has good reason to finish it now many military experts and commentators believe the ceasefire was a strategic victory for hamas for two hours after officially came into force rocket fire from gaza continued it seems that the israeli government has given in to some of the demands of hamas and has made an agreement with a terror organization i think a lot of red lines have been crossed among the disappointed i viewed friedman a lone protester on television campus he's frustrated his army didn't into gaza and was one of the first to call his officer to volunteer it's important for our safety for our. south turn civilians safety and that's what we should do against it i'm prepared to die for my country any day any time. but tel aviv
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insists its operation was a success enabling it to destroy a significant portion of hamas infrastructure hundreds of rocket launchers and dozens of smuggling tunnels by belief that the cease fire. the in the day was just a means to an end and the end was peace and quiet however it came about is less important as the results and result hopefully will be peace and quiet to return to normalcy for israelis and also innocent palestinians on the other side of the border but hamas claims tel aviv capitulated to its demands especially by agreeing to ease its blockade on gaza the group also showed its military prowess by sending rockets for the first time from gaza to jerusalem and later to tel aviv capabilities that have made hamas a real hero of the palestinian resistance the conflict also managed to silence the more moderate palestinian government as must move about us which is why some of pointing out that israel has sent a very dangerous message to the arab world if you want to get something from israel you have to go to war policy r.t.
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tel aviv international human rights watch dogs are now investigating the conflict for war crimes that after a huge amount of collateral damage caused by the air strikes however israeli defense forces maintain that the operation in gaza only targeted militants documentary filmmaker harry fear has been following events from inside gaza. israel's military operation pillar of cloud has officially ended it started with the assassination of a senior hamas commander. buried here. more than one thousand two hundred palestinians were wounded overwhelmingly children and women and over one hundred sixty seven were killed half of them civilians including journalists israel says when it targeted the top and eleventh floor of this the show building and it was targeting hamas as operational communications and injured six when it struck the al could t.v. office just below here. at exactly one fifty three on sunday the occupying forces
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started bombing our office the satellite channel located on the eleventh floor in the western side of the building and three rockets hit us my colleagues and i was wounded one of the striking things about the a day war was the number of journalists that were explicitly targeted by israeli forces three appear to have been deliberately assassinated. on monday israel called major local news agencies ordering them to evacuate their premises it then targeted a computer center belonging to the lax a t.v. channel based in the building in gaza city setting it to blaze killing two and injuring several staff this is what's left of the second floor of the building in central gaza city reporters without borders says that this building is known in gaza as the reporters building the targeting of any journalist or civilian and
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international law is a war crime and war reporting is explicitly protected under international humanitarian law the next day israel targeted a press car carrying two al aksa t.v. cameramen they burned to death when i got in yesterday near our home a car with a press logo drove past with two young men inside all of a sudden we saw a rocket hit the car those inside were killed we pulled one of them out in pieces but couldn't get to the other one he was literally on fire of course it was the press what else can you say. and al could see are the most popular t.v. stations in palestine israel says they're not legitimate journalistic enterprises and that they're associated with the islamic jihad group and the quote hamas terror organization. only had a camera was the press was the european press with the tarka democracy these crimes are being committed against women and children all of this democracy is
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a sham. israel targeted media towers including the one in which our sister channels office is how no r.t. journalist was injured the targeted journalists according to israeli spokes persons neither journalists nor civilians at all therefore. worried that the atrocities massacres perpetrated by the enemy in gaza will be concealed. israel says the air bombardment campaign was aimed at wiping out a massive infrastructure personnel and capacity garson reporters say that they will never be deterred from reporting their side of the story perry fear for r.t. gaza israeli officials who say they regret the collateral damage in gaza while standing by their coins that the militants are responsible for the civilian casualties. we see the terrorists from gaza hamas terrorists they target only civilians and they see
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a victory when the innocent people for twelve years already hamas terrorists fire rockets on our civilians only on our civilians and now for the. israeli government decided that we have to stop these terror attacks in our civilians and our children and our elders and that's why we target terrorists but unfortunately we know we see of really in every the terrorist high behind civilians it's definitely big numbers and we do so please if you think that it must start so we call upon all the international community and we call upon everybody who really doesn't want this violence first of all to pressure on terrorist organizations to stop this violence and to call upon them not to use civilians we just want safety for us. do you just now where police in cairo have fired tear gas to disperse crowds as
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violent protests continue across the country for a third day the demonstrations are aimed against president morsi has decree granting him sweeping new powers his decisions can no longer be challenged by any authority reports say one person was killed in an attack on a muslim brotherhood office the same islamist movement that backs of the president the opposition is staging a sit in at cairo's tahrir square while egypt's top judges have called for a nationwide strike mohamed morsi has defended the move saying it's aimed at protecting the revolution that paved his way to power and his latest comments of the leader stressed his new powers are temporary lawrence freeman from the executive intelligence review magazine says egypt's political future is now being put to a test. i think president morsi is now. on a slippery slope and it shows you how fragile and delicate this whole movement that was launched a couple years ago or democracy and i sometimes say so-called democracy because
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they're not really giving democratic rights to the people and that's that people are participating in the government and also the people are actually raising their standard of living i think morsi the president has made some kind of arrangement with the military a few months ago and i think he's also has strong backing from the west and i think until the actual people of egypt like all these other countries that have gone through these tumultuous times until the people are given real economic development totally given real freedom this is going to continue to be a problem people with their lives people stayed out of demonstrations people didn't pummeled by police first on the bar now in the morsi it's not going to stop do we actually have a real policy for the future of the country. in catalonia crunch elections pro
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independence parties look to have made gains with all of the votes now counted regions that president vowed to hold a referendum on breaking off from spain if the separatist coalition won now let's cross to parties and the farmer who is in the barcelona thanks for being with us what can you tell us about the results. well as expected arthur mass has been reelected as the cattle president albeit with a reduced majority but the result does up the ante in terms of the region's battle for independence and that's because mr mass will now be required to fulfill his pre-election promise of holding a referendum on to session and that would place the region and him on a collision course with the spanish government because they say any referendum would be against the spanish constitution and what's more the prime minister mariano i hope he will be desperate to keep hold of one of the country's wealthiest regions as he tries to stave off a european bailout so what we can say is that there will be plenty of political fireworks ahead. looks like the stage has been set what exactly is next for the
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catalonian independence movement. well. we continued to talk about today the number of votes that were placed we saw the biggest turnout for decades in catalonia and a second independence party was voted in as the second largest party in the parliament which means that there should be enough support to push through this referendum why this all happened today and why people voted in this manner it's probably because of the economic crisis for many cattle and this was the tipping point they say that their region is very wealthy it has an economy the size of portugal is but the terms of the number in terms of the size of taxes they pay it's much more to central government than they actually get back from madrid in terms of investments in schools and hospitals so they're annoyed about that and particularly when you consider that unemployment here is around twenty five percent so if a referendum does happen i suppose you could say that you would expect people to
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vote in favor of it although i say that those people who are against separatism do point out that if catalonia does withdraw from spain it could also mean it has to drop out of the european union and not many people in catalonia would be in favor of that if that turns out to be the case. maybe they would prefer the status quo said there are a lot of ifs and buts but what we do know as a result of today's election there is a growing sentiment nationalism and a sense for independence here in catalonia all right appreciate you staying on top of this we know that you'll be following this as this unfolds and performer in spain. and more disunity in europe as a budget talks and with no result. you leaders postpone a further debates until the new year after the feeling to work out a deal acceptable to all that story coming up in just.
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waves of corruption are rocking russia hundreds of millions of dollars vanished from apec building projects and russia's got a nice satellite project a real estate scandal has also led to the defense minister being fired note i said fire in russia we hear a lot about corruption scandals and the reaction is usually a firing or a forced resignation and maybe that would be ok another country but russia has big dreams in a big country that has big corruption spoiling all of those dreams a country can't survive with every infrastructural or scientific project is sucked dry from within whether the government is unwilling or unable to sternly punish these offenders is a huge topic by could tell you that if there's no real fear of punishment this will just keep going on for ever perhaps it's time to put a big asterisk for high level corruption next to the moratorium on the death
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penalty but that's just my opinion. download the official up location sofa choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. t.v. is not required to watch on t.v. all you need is your mobile device watch r t any time. you have mobile before war criminals we have a lot of. groups. also abusing the right you know for my mouth it was like many at that age but wasn't. the smadi when
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i was fourteen yes you can. certainly can't do it through the barrel of a gun only effective social changes can be the afghans themselves afghan men and women. coming up to across. the patient it's a position and a construction. people in the obama administration talking about how much they care about the women of afghanistan it's not true they don't care about the women of afghanistan.
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will be. funny it's technology innovations all the news developments from around russia we've gone through huge earth covered. recapping week's top stories this is r.t. with weekly glad to have you back talks on europe's a budget have been postponed until two thousand and thirteen after days of intense negotiations in brussels came to nothing most you members hoped for an increase in spending while some including britain called for a freeze saying nations simply don't have the money to spare are two surfers has the details when the european commission in london but in a week that seeing the brussels budget debate over similarly ending in failure is once again britain's place within europe just back in the spotlight the european leaders also failing to come up with
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a deal that would please everyone in the budget that would take us from twenty forty to twenty twenty that person very much wanted to be seen as leading the way in calling for the cuts indeed in the lead up to the negotiations there was a lot of concern that we'd see an isolated from the other twenty six countries whose anglo merkel who was the mediator these negotiations he stepped up to take personal side and then likely form of support perhaps she was very much adamant that person wouldn't be left to fight this alone and exercise their veto as we saw happening in two thousand and eleven and so we saw those other dana countries getting behind britain in this now at the end of it the prime minister said the person didn't get a deal but they didn't get an unacceptable deal either but of course that leaves us exactly where we started with nothing happening and so those countries are going to be left to continue the the negotiations to try and hammer out some form of
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a deal that's acceptable to everyone the ultimate the we're going to see this budget battle continuing now into the new year. euro sceptic parties are winning more and more support as many countries struggle to deal with popular disillusionment with the idea of a united europe the u.k. independence party's leader nigel for raj believes britain should say farewell to the e.u. if it wants to prosper. every time the big decisions for the next seven years come up there are always countries that are donor countries that are a bit reluctant and there are always recipient countries that are rather game to push the budget up out of course the french always make sure that the common agricultural policy doesn't get reformed the difference this time is that the split isn't just over the budget the split is also about the eurozone as well because it's those northern countries that are members of the euro zone who are really becoming increasingly reluctant despite the fact that the u.k.
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is the world's sixth biggest trading nation we are actually pretty hip it'd from having our own buy that we're trade deals with any other part of the world that has to be done on our behalf so the u.k. message is simple we love europe we want to get on with our neighbors we want to trade with them through a simple free trade agreement but then refocus british business to start concentrating on doing more deals around the rest of the world this european model this idea that europe is what matters in the rest of the world can go hang frankly is decades out of date now time to take a look at some other stories making headlines around the world for you this hour at least eleven people have been killed and dozens injured in twin suicide car bomb attacks outside a church at a military base in northern nigeria new organization has claimed responsibility for the attack churches and security forces are frequent targets of extremists fighting for an islamic state in the country. rebels of fighting for control of the democratic republic of congo have held
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a first round of talks with government officials the negotiations are being mediated by uganda last week the group known as m twenty three seized control of the key city goma the country is facing a growing humanitarian crisis with around five hundred thousand displaced persons. severe storms that battering the u.k. have claimed at least two lives and flooded more than eight hundred homes people in wales and cornell have been evacuated to safety as many. the roads were closed and all closed and train service is canceled weather forecasters say there is no end in sight and predict more rainfall in the coming days. and a car has plowed into a california family's home in the middle of the night as they were sound asleep causing substantial damage to the house authorities report there were a total of nine people inside who were lucky to escape unharmed the twenty four year old woman has been charged with her drinking and driving. and shortly our special report exposes the reality of women in afghanistan deprived of any rights
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or prospects by harsh religious and social traditions that's after a short break right here on r.t. . in this remote siberians in which people still sing the songs which russian saying to me ladies and they cherish things practice church before the seventeenth century the old believers he resigned the area are conservative community. that i believe need here yet again i feel. that i now i'd rather it that i am. i that. people here are happy to show their way of life to tourists and teach them how to dance in the local star.
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seventeen year old nadia is from the same village she now studies in the city and dances at a club. she puts on her costume and the traditional amber necklace only when she comes to visit her grandmother. ok i didn't ask untampered access because i want to keep up to date for this morning world but still i would like to have camp my i am very ground call my sources lawyer very attachment to the church brought not just an sistas to this remote glen deflate by call more than two hundred fifty years ago they were exiled in pesach you tit for not agreeing to the orthodox who forms introduced in washing the sixteen hundreds the old believers still baal and cross themselves with two fingers not with three as they do in modern orthodox churches in russia and never knew when praying was more and more
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young people leaving for big cities this year is the old believers culture could be imperiled. plans to continue her studies abroad. the grandmother says wherever she goes as long as the teen years are fresh in her memory so is the culture. secret laboratory to mccurdy was able to build the world's most sophisticated robot which on fortunately doesn't give a darn about anything turns mission to teach creation why it should care about humans in the world this is why you should care watch only on the dot com wealthy british style.
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markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max kaiser for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on r.g.p. . trust fund all shit. and coffee as tell us of most that i get that you know i should look up and invoke that opinion joe you actually about that in me about a. mile before you had already other places may get it inside. not only. for years on and your.
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you have two schools they have that i too would do works with it's men's and the ministry is one that woman is asian enjoys i'm so i'm i'm supposed to say there were many factors view it looks cool and felt they were still there with two alike and the universities did with this is freedoms.
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that no one respects lozier. then there should. be a poem for their own good for their protection of the thrill of the world a bunch of. other number if women don't wear their headscarf they will be harassed raped injured and humiliated. called there is no longer move the gun is the low we have the woman in full of it we have the woman in we have the woman in the universe there is we have the woman in the government we have minister of state and again magine that is that the suspect that they have. put that way they exchange but that doc just put out of their plan to have a funny duck and play with that right now. because nine percent of. females is good to university woman out of working buy into it by go out
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a man in dixie and in really they do this is so every two women. they are independent the economy independent they have some salary this is needy and one other question not more most of them when we say that the situation of women in afghanistan has improved you can only take into consideration places such as harrow to missouri sharif and kabul. in the provinces in the villages the situation hasn't changed. women are still victims of violence and rape me.


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